❤️5 -Day Breathwork Meditation Challenge❤️
26th-30th of August 2024.

Modern science is validating the wisdom of the ages. Scientific research has demonstrated that by changing how we breathe, we can consciously heighten our energy, increase focus or create flow and ease.

🌞 5 Simple Practices for a Tuned-Up Day
       Unlock the Super-Power of Conscious Breathing...

I'll show you how, in just 60 Seconds, you can create a radical shift in your aliveness...

😌 Day 1. Spontaneous Breath Awareness: From Stressed to Relaxed

😅 Day 2. Balance Breathing: From Anxious to Calm

🎯 Day 3. Clarity Breathing: From Scattered to Focused

🧠 Day 4. Connected Breathing: For Emotional Healing & Deeper Sleep

💪 Day 5. Minimal Breathing: Boost Immune System and Performance

⚡ Bonus: Ho to shift from From Fatigued to Energized

Experience a life-changing transformation through the art of breath.
Each morning, you'll receive a link to a different 1-minute breathing practice.

At midday, I'll share a live 10-minute teaching on the breathing practice on Zoom.

Fill in your details to register below
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